Europa building, Brussels 22 March 2021 Non-legislative activities Foreign Affairs 1. approved by Coreper, Part 2, on 03.03.2021 6102/21 6103/21 2. Agreement with Indonesia regarding the modifications in the EU's TRQs in the WTO schedule following Brexit 6503/21


A Coreper az egyes tagállamok „állandó képviselőiből” áll, akik tulajdonképpen országuk uniós nagykövetei. Az állandó képviselők kormányuk nevében fejtik ki álláspontjukat. A Coreper két formációja (Coreper I. és II.) hetente ülésezik.

Subject: Coreper II, comprising the Permanent Representatives, deals with political, commercial, economic or institutional matters. It prepares the ground for the following Council configurations: GAC, FAC, ECOFIN, JHA. The Council is an essential EU decision-maker.It negotiates and adopts new EU legislation, adapts it when necessary, and coordinates policies. In most cases, the Council decides together with the European Parliament through the ordinary legislative procedure, also known as 'codecision'. Η Επιτροπή Μόνιμων Αντιπροσώπων ή Coreper [άρθρο 240 της Συνθήκης για την λειτουργία της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης -(ΣΛΕΕ)] έχει ως έργο την προετοιμασία των εργασιών του Συμβουλίου της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης.

Coreper europa

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Behandlar främst frågor som rör den inre  Coreper förbereder mötena för Europeiska unionens råd. Han sammanställer dagordningen för rådets möte och föreslår beslut i frågor som det  EU-ambassadör Lars Danielsson och Coreper I-ambassadör Torbjörn Haak om EU-kommissionens Åland och internationella avtal; Ålandsprotokollet; Ålands inflytande i EU Finlands EU-ambassadör Jan Store vid ett möte i COREPER II den 27 november  EUROPEISKA UNIONENS RÅD Bryssel den 11 juli 2006 (12.7) (OR. en) 11380/06 PESC för utrikes- och säkerhetspolitik (Kusp) till: Coreper/rådet Ärende: EU:s. EU främjar digitalisering av godstransportinformation – Coreper bekräftar överenskommelse med parlamentet. EU2019FIEuropeiska unionens  EU:s ordförandeland; Rådskonstellationer; Coreper; Generalsekretariatet.

I Coreper företräds Sverige av sin  Coreper, medlemsstaternas ständiga representationer i Bryssel, godkände idag Den 20 december 2011 presenterade Europeiska kommissionen paketet med  Idag togs ett viktigt steg mot en central reform av EU:s vägtransportsektor, när Ständiga representanternas kommitté (Coreper) godkände ett  EU:s ministerråd kunde idag, den 20 december, vid möte i Coreper godkänna det litauiska ordförandeskapets senaste kompromiss med  Coreper-kommittén, som består av EU-medlemsstaternars ständiga det i EU:s paket om ren energi ingående förslaget till direktiv om förnybar  och Coreper, det organ som samlar ländernas EU-ambassadörer för att förbereda ministrarnas möten.

The multimedia platform of the Council of the European Union offering free of charge broadcast-quality videos (MPEG4) and photos (JPEG) of all important events and activities

EU2019FIEuropeiska unionens  EU:s ordförandeland; Rådskonstellationer; Coreper; Generalsekretariatet. Inledning.

Coreper europa

Coreper, which takes its acronym from the French Comité des représentants permanents, is made up of the head or deputy head of mission from the EU Member States in Brussels. Its defined role is to prepare the agenda for the ministerial Council of the European Union meetings; it may also take some procedural decisions.

The Permanent Representatives Committee or ‘Coreper’ (Article 240 of the Treaty establishing the European community) is responsible for preparing the work of the Council of the EU. It consists of the Member States' ambassadors to the EU (‘Permanent Representatives’) and is chaired by the Member State which holds the Council Presidency. Coreper plays a pivotal role in the Community decision-making system, where it is a forum for both dialogue (between the permanent representatives and between each of them and their capital) and political control (orientation and supervision of the work of the groups of experts). For the OIC Committee of Permanent Representatives, see OIC Committee of Permanent Representatives..

Agreement with Indonesia regarding the modifications in the EU's TRQs in the WTO schedule following Brexit 6503/21 Följande förhandlingssteg är Coreper.
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Coreper europa


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2021-04-13 · Coreper II is composed of each member states' permanent representatives. It is chaired by the permanent representative of the country holding the presidency of the General Affairs Council. The work of Coreper II is prepared by the 'Antici Group'. This informal group helps to form an initial idea of

Beroende på hur förhandlingarna utfaller blir ett ärende antingen en A-punkt eller en B-punkt på rådets sammanträde. The multimedia platform of the Council of the European Union offering free of charge broadcast-quality videos (MPEG4) and photos (JPEG) of all important events and activities Europa Institute, University of Utrecht. February 1987 – August 1987: Leverhulme Visiting fellow in European Community Law at the Centre of European Governmental Studies, University of Edinburgh. 1983 – 1988: Research Assistant in the Law of International Organisations, Europa Institute, University of Utrecht. Other professional 9.4.2021 SV Europeiska unionens o Repræsentationen bliver ledet af en EU-ambassadør, der også kaldes den faste repræsentant. - Lissabon-traktaten har en særlig artikel 240 TFEU om Coreper.

Contact: EN Council of the European Union General Secretariat Brussels , 17 March 2021 CM 2318 / 21 PTS A PROVISIONAL LIST OF 'A' ITEMS COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN UNION (Foreign Affairs) Europa building, Brussels 22 March 2021 ADDITION NO 1 TO PROVISIONAL LIST OF "A" ITEMS Non-legislative activities

Coreper deals with all areas of the Council's work apart from some agricultural issues. When the Council sets up a special committee, such as the Political and Security Committee (PSC) for the CFSP or the Employment Committee for the field of employment, these operate with due regard for (COREPER) was published on 6 March 3 (the published Refit text). Following these agreements and publication, and taking into account the standard process that legislative proposals follow until adoption, it is thus reasonable to expect that the final Refit text could be adopted and Permanent representations > Permanent Representation of Germany > Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary — Permanent Representative (Coreper II) Show e-mail address. Rue Jacques de Lalaing 8–14/Jacques de Lalaingstraat 8–14 • 1040 • Bruxelles/Brussel • Belgium. +32-27871000. COREPER I deals with: Employment, social policy, health and consumer affairs. Competitiveness (internal market, industry and research) Transport, telecommunications and energy.

It coordinates and prepares the work of the different Council configurations, ensures consistency of the EU’s policies and works out agreements and compromises which are then submitted for adoption by the Council. Coreper I The Permanent Representatives Committee (COREPER) is responsible for preparing the meetings of the Council in its relevant fields. Member countries are represented in the Committee by ambassadors and they are chaired by the member country holding the 6-month presidency.COREPER I deals with the following policy areas of the Union: Subject: Coreper is the Council’s main preparatory body. It coordinates and prepares the work of the different Council configurations, ensures consistency of the EU’s policies and works out agreements and compromises which are then submitted for adoption by the Council.